Потписан протокол о сарадњи између Архива Војводине и Дечијег културног центра Нови Сад

The Signing of a Protocol of Cooperation

On Wednesday, the 1st of July 2020 at the Archives of Vojvodina, a Protocol of Cooperation was signed between the Archives of Vojvodina and Kids Cultural Center Novi Sad.

The Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović signed the Protocol on behalf of the Archives of Vojvodina, while legal representative Severina Prostran Miletić signed it on behalf of the Kids Cultural Center Novi Sad (Dečiji kulturni centar Novi Sad).

The parties that signed the Protocol of Cooperation agreed that they will cooperate in the implementation of the project that is being realized by the Kids Cultural Center Novi Sad.

The implementation of the project, its activity coordination, administration and reports will be carried out by the Kids Cultural Center Novi Sad.

The Archives of Vojvodina will cooperate with the Center by taking part in the planing when determining when the workshops will take place during the project’s implementation. The Archives of Vojvodina will enable the ones implementing the project to hold workshops in the backyard of the Archives’ amphitheater and to hold shows during the project’s realization.

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