Наставак сарадње Музеја Словачког народног устанка и Архива Војводине

The Continuation of the Cooperation Between the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising and the Archives of Vojvodina

On Friday the 6th of March 2020, the Archives of Vojvodina was visited by employees from the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising (Banská Bystrica, Republic of Slovakia). Among the delegates from Banská Bystrica were historian and professor Dr. Marek Syrný, Head of the Educational Center of the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising Dr. Jana Odrobiňáková and Bc. Jakub Mičev.

As part of the visit, a meeting was held which was attended, apart from the guests from Banská Bystrica, by the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović and Kristijan Obšust archivist from the Department for Documentation, Information and the Information System. Specific actions were agreed uppon during the meeting with regard to the points of the Protocol of Cooperation which was signed last year between the Archives of Vojvodina and the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising.

Apart from continuing further with the activities with the aim of mutual research of the fond F.183 of the Archives of Vojvodina, specifically the part of the fond that deals with the crimes committed by occupiers and their helpers against the citizens of Slovak nationality, an arrangement was made for an exhibition titled ”The Role of Serbs in the Slovak National Uprising” to be held in the gallery area of the Archives of Vojvodina. The authors of this archival exhibition are: Dr. Marek Syrný and Stanislav Mičev Director of the Museum of the Slovak National Uprising.

During the visit, the guests from the Slovak Republic visited the archival depots, the Laboratory for Restoration and Conservation, the reading room and the exhibition at the Museum of Unification. Likewise, a short meeting was held with the Assistant Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Milena Popović Subić. Organized by the employees at the Archives of Vojvodina, the guests from the Slovak Republic went to visit the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Vojvodina.

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