Изложба фотографија „Природа Војводине кроз фотографије”

”Nature in Vojvodina through Photos” photo exhibition

Yesterday on the 14th of July 2020, a photo exhibition titled ”Nature in Vojvodina through Photos” (Priroda Vojvodine kroz fotografije) by author Nebojša Mitrović, was officially opened.

The Archives of Vojvodina works in accordance with the instructions by the City Administration and therefore aims its activities towards the digital field as well as the backyard area of the Archives of Vojvodina.

The photos of the author of the 5th independent exhibition were taken at the ”Kraljica salaš” (ranch) near Senta, then at the Natural Reserve Ivanovo, while most of the photos were also taken at the Koviljski rit (Kovilj Marsh). Mr. Mitrović is an electro-engineer and an avid photographer for around 10 years now.

The guests were greeted by the Director of the Archives of Vojvodina Dr. Nebojša Kuzmanović.

The exhibition was opened by Biljana Hrnčić, information adviser of the provincial government.

The exhibition can be viewed until the 30th of July 2020.

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